Getting Out of Bed After Abdominal or Chest Surgery - Care Task - MedSelfEd Patient Education Videos and Pictures

PostCare™ Tasks for

Friday, September 20, 2024

Audio Presentation

Getting Out of Bed

After Abdominal or Chest Surgery

Care Task
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This program provides you with tips to help you get out of bed after abdominal or chest surgery.
This program provides you with tips to help you get out of bed after abdominal or chest surgery.
For the first few days when you come home after surgery, it is always best to have a family member or friend help you to get out of bed.
For the first few days when you come home after surgery, it is always best to have a family member or friend help you to get out of bed.
Do not get out of bed directly from lying flat. Always sit up in bed for a few minutes.
Do not get out of bed directly from lying flat. Always sit up in bed for a few minutes.
Move the bedcovers well out of the way. Move nearer to the side of the bed. Pivot your body and legs so that you are sitting with your legs dangling over the side of the bed. Hold the mattress with your hands for support and keep your back straight.
Move the bedcovers well out of the way. Move nearer to the side of the bed. Pivot your body and legs so that you are sitting with your legs dangling over the side of the bed. Hold the mattress with your hands for support and keep your back straight.
Gently swing your legs back and forth, bend and stretch your ankles and twiddle your toes. If you feel faint or weak, go back to bed.
Gently swing your legs back and forth, bend and stretch your ankles and twiddle your toes. If you feel faint or weak, go back to bed.
Have your helper put on your socks, and shoes or sturdy slippers with low heels and non-slip soles.
Have your helper put on your socks, and shoes or sturdy slippers with low heels and non-slip soles.
Use a footstool if the bed is too high for your feet to reach the floor without sliding off the bed.
Use a footstool if the bed is too high for your feet to reach the floor without sliding off the bed.
Stand still on the floor with your feet slightly apart for a few seconds.
Stand still on the floor with your feet slightly apart for a few seconds.
Have your helper put on and fasten your robe.
Have your helper put on and fasten your robe.
For the first few times out of bed, when you feel strong enough, walk a few steps to a bedside chair with arms.
For the first few times out of bed, when you feel strong enough, walk a few steps to a bedside chair with arms.
When you reach the chair, turn round so that your calves are touching the front of the chair.
When you reach the chair, turn round so that your calves are touching the front of the chair.
Bend your knees, grasp both arms of the chair firmly and lower yourself backward into the chair. Reverse the process to get out of the chair.
Bend your knees, grasp both arms of the chair firmly and lower yourself backward into the chair. Reverse the process to get out of the chair.
At any time, 
<UL><LI>if you feel weak 
</LI><LI>or dizzy 
</LI><LI>or have chest pain, 
</LI><LI>let your helper get you back to bed 
</LI><LI>and inform your doctor.</LI></UL>
At any time,
  • if you feel weak
  • or dizzy
  • or have chest pain,
  • let your helper get you back to bed
  • and inform your doctor.
Some additional tips for the helper to follow.
<UL><LI>Make sure your own footwear has non-slip soles.</LI></UL>
Some additional tips for the helper to follow.
  • Make sure your own footwear has non-slip soles.
<UL><LI>Remove any hazards from the floor, such as slip rugs, frayed carpet or linoleum, or electric cords.</LI></UL>
  • Remove any hazards from the floor, such as slip rugs, frayed carpet or linoleum, or electric cords.
<UL><LI>Stand at the side of your patient, not directly in front</LI></UL>
  • Stand at the side of your patient, not directly in front
<UL><LI>Avoid lifting your patient under the arms. This can cause pain or dislocation of the shoulder joint.</LI></UL>
  • Avoid lifting your patient under the arms. This can cause pain or dislocation of the shoulder joint.
<UL><LI>Never let your patient put arms around your neck</LI></UL>
  • Never let your patient put arms around your neck

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1) Did the information help to decrease any anxiety that you may have had about the procedure?
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2) Did the presentation help you understand the procedure any better?
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3) How would you rate the quality of the information?
Very Good
4) Would you recommend this program to others having the same procedure?
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